You need a simple life in order to develop your mind

A simple life without distraction allows us the empty space we need for deep thinking.

I don't mean simple as in the information that you take in is basic and elementary,

but rather how having less distractions, overhead tasks, and unnecessary complexities allows you the empty space you need to develop your mind.

What is occupying your thoughts?

Consider what you have thought about recently.

Work? Social media? Memes? Messages? Posts or stories? Girls or boys? Money?

What is consuming your mental energy right now?

It's likely that we are occupied thinking about things that don't matter.

However, if you want to develop your brain beyond just the minimum requirement to survive, then you need to dedicate some time for deep thinking about meaningful topics.

Introspection into oneself. Visualizing your future. Analyzing your past. Contemplating how things are. Exploring creative topics.

Leave some time to think about these bigger topics.

Why distraction is killing us

Our thinking is like building a Jenga tower up towards the sky, one small distraction can disrupt the entire line of thinking and have everything come crumbling down.

AKA, in short, distractions prevent deep thinking.

You're unable to think about anything meaningful if you are constantly distracted.

Technology is our biggest distraction

Particularly our phones and social media.

That one second glance at our notifications costs us everything. Those minutes checking stories and watching reels compromises our future.

And even though I know this, I still do it. It's because it's been designed in such a way that is so addicting to the psyche.

However this is not to say to entirely get rid of the phone nor to just accept things how they are.

Instead I advice a middle path where you actively push back against these temptations while still maintaining your connection to modern society.

Use your phone but at set periods throughout the day. Reserve time for deep work without your phone. Have a balance and you'll have the best of both worlds.