When you don't want to do it, that is exactly when you need to do it, to push yourself to grow

Doing the uncomfortable must be an every day deliberate act - otherwise we will stagnate and become like the old people who for 40 years have never changed.

It's not even for the sake of accomplishing said thing.

Actually, WHAT you DO, doesn't even matter. What matters is that you DID IT.

It's not the thing that "you are trying to accomplish", but rather it's accomplishing the act of trying that truly matters.

Get into the rhythm of doing the uncomfortable

When you don't want to do, that is precisely a sign that you should do it - just to push yourself and see what happens.

We as humans should be open to trying and experiencing as much as we can in this life time and to be as dynamic and adaptable as possible while still maintaining some strong sense of identity.

You are basically a filter

Your job in life is to absorb all that is around you, process it, take the life lessons you learn, then implement them into your system (which is you, your identity, and your logical faculties).

If you go about life like this then it's as if you are constantly eating and growing and getting stronger.

The opposite of this would be stagnation

The opposite of living life as an eating filter would be:

  1. not willing to try new things (or expose yourself to information you disagree with)
  2. not willing to change yourself (out of stubbornness, thinking one is always right, or out of extreme idealistic principles)

To a certain extent being rigid is okay - but you can see quite empirically how terrible this mindset can be over the course of time.

Just think of any old person stuck in their ways and their old believes and see how they haven't grown or improved in the last 60 years since their initial beliefs were settles.

To me, this is the most terrifying.

To naught have improved in the slightest over the course of x months or years is a horrifying thing.

Compound that over 60+ years is absolutely depressing.


Live life actively doing the uncomfortable and growing because of it - live life like a filter constantly digesting new experiences and becoming stronger because of it.