What is Adenosine and how is it related to sleep

Why do we sleep? One of the most important reasons is to clear up adenosine.

What is adenosine

Simply put, adenosine is what makes us feel sleepy. It's built up throughout the day as a byproduct of cellular metabolism.

So the more that we do, and the more active and alert we are during the day, the more adenosine that is built up.

This adenosine then gives us that sleepy, lethargic, heavy, tired feeling that tells us it's time to rest.

When we sleep, the brain clears adenosine

The basic concept is the more we sleep and the better the quality the sleep is, the more adenosine that is cleared up.

Ideally we want to clear it all up before we wake up.

But if we don't, then we wake up feeling heavy and tired.

We drink coffee to block the feeling of being tired

Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptor, preventing adenosine from attaching. This way we don't get that tired feeling.

That's why we drink coffee.

Once the caffeine wears off, we may get an energy crash

This is because the adenosine is still being built up while we are awake, and one the caffeine wears off and the adenosine can start attaching to the adenosine receptors again, then all the built up adenosine is suddenly felt and we experience a severe energy crash.

Exercise and sunlight can help adjust adenosine levels

Exposing the eyes to sunlight first thing in the morning adjusts the circadian rhythm and positively effects adenosine levels.

Exercise, physical exertion, also helps remove that sleepy feeling, helping wake up the body.

NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

NSDR also clears up adenosine levels.

An example of this would be meditation or sitting there with your eyes closed in a restful state.

If you're doing more, the more adenosine you need to clear up

If you are an active person physically or mentally, then you need more time and high quality sleep to clear up all the adenosine.

Caffeine will not clear it.


Adenosine builds up during the day and makes us feel tired. When we sleep, we clear it up.