What I seek in life is peace

Perhaps what society told us to want (stuff) is not what I really want. What I want is peace.

I want to wake up in the morning and not be rushed, it's that simple.

I don't want pending errands and administrative tasks and things that I don't want to do.

I want a more free and open life where I can focus on my relationships, my health, my fitness, my intelligence, experiencing new things, and more.

It seems I was led astray by the main masses into thinking that what I want is to "own" things.

To own a house, to own a grand company, to own a yacht, a car, items.

But all of these things take time and attention to manage, and you owning them vs having the money and power to just rent and use them at will, does not seem to be more beneficial.

I prefer, if possible, to have the absolute flexibility and freedom to float about and do what I want to do

and in order for that to happen I cannot be tied down by material obligations.

I do agree a business of some sorts is worth it, as it is like a living and breathing organism that will keep us afloat in the economy. But besides that, the others have to be carefully considered.