We need to give ourselves a little bit of internal pressure to get things done

A little bit of pressure is what helps us accomplish our life goals.

If we give ourselves a light dose, like medicine, of purpose (or what feels like stress), we are more able to get started and to keep going on our goals.

It's like a light feeling in the back of your mind, a little anxious energy inside of your body.

It gives us energy like caffeine or adrenaline.

Unfair, externally-derived stress is unhealthy

Stress is not a bad thing. In healthy moderation, it motivates us to get things done.

It just becomes unhealthy when it becomes chronic or too much. Or if it's coming from a toxic, unreasonable source. Such as a boss nagging you for no reason, school or government bureaucratic nonsense, or being scolded by strangers. Undeserved stress is unfair and unhealthy.

Self-given stress can be like an energy pill

But if the source is natural or better yet, comes deliberately from within, then I would consider this to be a healthy source of stress.

For example, you want to lose weight or you want to make money or you want to improve on this skill - all of these can be acted upon and made progress in, and better yet, they are all choices made by you. No one is forcing you to do it.

This type of self-given stress is like a pill given by the gods to spur to forwards chasing your life goals. It gives you will, determination, resilience, and energy. It's what gives us power to do great things.

Boredom is more likely to kill us

Being pulled around in many directions aimlessly will suck and dissipate our energy and leave us in a useless potato-like state.

Waking up in the morning and not wanting to do anything is a great red flag that you are in an unhealthy state of being.

Having no purpose is where depression and bad habits come from.

Humans are purpose driven. Without a purpose we will rot and die faster than a tomato left out in a bag of bananas.

To avoid this depressive lethargic state of being, we must give ourselves an impetus to act.

Give yourself a little pressure

Set a deadline. Tell some people. Have some consequences set in place. Visualize the success and the failure. Use desire to pull you forward and fear to scare you onwards. Have this light energy inside of you when you are working.

We need to wake up feeling a little goal-orientated, have some pressure to get out of bed, shower, do some pushups, get out the door, and work on something.

We can still have days of absolute nothing, but our average day should be that of a purposeful mission.

Otherwise we will decay and rot and become useless.

Humans were born to be intentional.


Humans were born to be intentional. A little bit of stress helps motivate us to accomplish our life goals.