Use this mental technique to stay in a more positive state of mind

Imagine your 85 year old self woke up in your 20 year old body. How would you feel? Perhaps grateful?

Use this mental technique to stay in a more positive state of mind
"Imagine you are your 85 year old self, and you wake up in the body that you have today. So, I wake up, I'm 24, and my body's not in excruciating pain. I know I have 50 good years in front of me. Something like this. it would put me into a state of being grateful for every little thing in my life.  And so I think that's extremely potent and important to remember.

You're no longer in excruciating pain! now what?

We've all been so sick, in such pain, and wished with everything that we could be healthy again.

Remember this feeling.

Ok, now suddenly you are healthy again.

You may be grateful for a day, then you forget. You take your health for granted - that things just ought to be this way, that the universe owes it to you.

We take granted all the things not currently wrong with us.

In order to combat this and be more grateful, and stay in a positive, happy, contented state of mind, we can perform this mental exercise:

of imagining our 85 year old self, in excruciating pain, no years ahead of us, going to die, (memento mori) suddenly waking up again as our young healthy self.

We use this mental technique to enjoy our current state to the fullest, not taking anything for granted, and maintaining that positive state of mind, allowing us to move about life in a better manner.

#grateful #painless #contentment #healthy #unhealthy #pain #old #young #philosophy #mindset #sick #mentaltechnique #positivethinking #visualization

Day 55 - Post your content now, the outcome will be good I promise
Listen to people who have accomplished what you want to accomplish. You have already accomplished goals that you said would make you happy. Imagine you are your 85 year old self, and you wake up in the body that you have today.