My blog is a collection of my thoughts, of who I am.
My website is a place to record all my thoughts, slowly, gradually, over and over again to map out who I am.
I've decided to change the type of content that I write here.
My blog is a collection of my thoughts, of who I am.
It's not a Wikipedia, nor a news site, nor how-to guides, nor anything else.
It's simply a place to record all my thoughts, slowly, gradually, over and over again to map out who I am. Because I myself don't even know yet. The picture is not clear. Things are unorganized and confusing. I need to write it all out to see more clearly, to gain a greater understanding of where I stand and where I need to go.
This blog is not written for SEO. No keywords. No tricks and gimmicks to capture people.
If someone finds this site, then great. I hope they find it useful.
My goal here is to write write write what I think. Share it with the world. Open thinking.
I also plan to set out my goals here and link my resources, so people can see and use what I share to attain a similar goal.
I am on a path of creating my life. Creating who I want to be. The kind of life that I want to live.
It's probably something very similar to something others may want as well. We often have similar goals.
Someone just needs to get started and find the way. Then encourage others to do the same. I hope I can do that.
I am a philosophically minded person and I often get crushed by utter despair and depression when I think too deeply about life. But in it I also find such beauty. Such unspeakable beauty.
It's a weird thing, existence. But it's okay. It's something to experience, and we don't have much of another choice. We just must preserve.
Welcome to join me on this journey.