Studying too much will hurt your mental growth

Studying too much will negatively affect our learning - because we aren't given time to process and implement the information.

If you study 8+ hours a day - taking classes in the morning, cram school and studying in the evening - you leave no time for yourself to process the information.

You absorb the facts on a surface level but you don't implement them into yourself.

The power of learning is not knowing things but changing your behavior - how you think and how you act.

Learning teaches us principles that guide our lives. It also acts as information, material, to be processed by our logical faculties for decision making.

Learning allows us to reshape our lives, change who we are, the way we live, and our lived reality.

If it doesn't change you - then you haven't learned anything.

How the brain mixes things together

What we learn must be mixed in and contrasted against the other thoughts and things going on in our minds. It's this process that makes us creative and unique and inventive and clever and wise.

And for this we need empty time.

You need time for your brain to just sit there and mix things together randomly. It's a batched up method but it's just how nature is.

It's some random, unpredictable, spontaneous universe with a hidden system of cause and effect order/chaos underneath.

What is good vs bad thinking

It's hard to define what is good thinking and what is bad thinking, but do realize that in almost all moments we are learning. There is more to learning than just textbooks and college.

Introspection about how a certain event made you feel or how this exercise or food made you feel - is learning.

We need to develop these fields just as importantly as traditional learning. We need time to develop the person besides just the employee.

Doing so will reap much greater benefits in the long run than any course can provide.

  1. Bad thinking would be not taking note of your thoughts and how things are connected. Thinking without changing.
  2. Good thinking is building logical systems to process, react, and connect all the information that you learn.


We need empty time of not learning to process the information that we've learned. Without this time to process, to change ourselves, we aren't really learning.