New YouTube strategy - post unique clips about my life

Become more of a vlogger, post more unique experience about my life.

Become more of a Vlogger.

Right now I post stuff where I am just rambling.

I try to expand on thoughts and teach things like I am a guru - but I am not one.

I am a 25 year old that is still trying to figure out life himself; I am not all wise and knowing (and I should not pretend to be so).

Of course it is okay to share things and to share how I am learning and progress - but I should be careful in the way I do so and make sure I am not ranting about topics people don't even care about.

Perhaps higher post frequency would be better - and showcasing more interesting events.

For example, video highlights of what I experience outside. This would be unique and captivating.

I, of course, can still share my philosophy on the road, but do it in a more unique and engaging way.

Let's try this strategy. Let my YouTube be more of a capture of who I am and what my life is like. I can still post podcast shorts, but the long-form videos can be more based around my life.

Not some heavily-edited, curated, business-like long rants.

Be more interesting than that.


Post more often, post unique experiences that happen in my life, more of a vlogger.