My first time being a guest on another person's podcast
Unedited livestream of me being interviewed.
Unedited livestream of me being interviewed.
0:00 /0:03 1× 阿嬤:要不要擦一擦 我:不用,謝謝 阿嬤:要不要擦一擦 *直接進來開始擦了* 好好笑 但我開始習慣了 她蠻可愛,也會來幫我打掃 我覺得好不錯
辛苦了 常用來表達對某人努力付出的感謝,根據不同的情境,可以用以下幾種英文表達方式: 1. "Great job!" (做得好!) * 用來稱讚某人努力的成果。 Great job0:00/0.6269381× 1. "Thank you for your hard work." (感謝你的辛苦付出。) * 禮貌地表達感激之情。 Thank you for your hard work0:00/1.3844381× 1. "You’ve worked so hard." (你真的很辛苦了。) * 溫暖地肯定對方的努力。 Youve worked so hard
Productivity is x time = x money. Makers vs. Managers. Keep an empty calendar if you are a maker.