Insecurities drive you to become better

Insecurity is often viewed as a bad thing, but in reality it's a good thing - it motivates us to improve ourselves.

Insecurity lead to better fitness and social skills

If you ask most fit people in the gym, most will say they have some degree of body dysmorphia.

Of course having body dysmorphia is not a good thing, but you can see clearly how the insecurity drove the person to change for the better.

In my case, my insecurity about my body drove me to workout since a young age.

I was chubby in 5th grade, and in 6th grade when I hit puberty I decided to change. I started working out at home and at my school's gym and have kept up the habit for over 10 years now.

It's only 10 years later that I start to feel comfortable in my own skin. But now I have a reason to feel this way - because I have worked on myself.

I've also found that some of the most socially mannered people are those who feel insecure about embarrassing themselves in social situations. This insecurity and fear drove them to pick up polite social mannerism. Take this into contrast with the person who has no thought of insecurity - the rowdy individual that perhaps does not behave the best.

Insecurity to some degree is beneficial

Insecurity drives us to achieve.

The person who is insecure about their financial or social status will pursue their ambitions with rigor. It's what drove many successful people to become rich and famous.

To some degree we need insecurities.

The person who is insecure about their intelligence will strive to learn and improve themselves, while the person who thinks they are a genius will stagnate and blabber.

Have a healthy degree of insecurity

Obviously too much insecurity can be crippling and depressive, but a healthy dose is like medicine.

Don't overdose and let it consume you, but don't try to eradicate it entirely either.

Keep just the right about to keep you moving forward and becoming a better version of you everyday.


Having some degree of insecurity is beneficial to us - it motivates us to improve ourselves.