Have "how hard you work" be how you measure success

How to live every moment in a state of success. Know that you are doing your best and feel great about it. You are successful.

As I've gotten older, I have slowly cast aside my old bad habits and ways of thinking. I live more in the present, without worry or regret. I feel happier and healthier and more at peace. This "have how hard you work be the only metric by which you measure your success" is just one of the many mindsets that make this possible.

By the end of the day all that we are left with is the person we've become

Don't set your metric for success and self-satisfaction to be the "outcome", the "x" in "if I work hard I will receive x".

Tying your joy and satisfaction to "x" will set an unattainable horizon that you'll never reach and never keep. And it'll keep you in a illusion of satisfaction, with drastic fluctuations in mood and state of happiness. It'll cause you to live miserably in the present for a future that will never come.

It's okay to have a goal. Actually we need one. Especially a big grand one.

But just don't set your metric to be tied to something which you cannot control.

Aim for the goal but measure yourself according to how hard you work every day. You will get the same outcome if not better while also maintaining your sanity and focusing on the thing that actually matters, your work.

Your work and consistent effort is what determines everything. So just focus on that.

Don't spend energy thinking about other things. Other things will only drain your ability to focus and will bring you no benefit in the long-run.


Live everyday in a contented state by only focusing on how hard you work.