Day 9 - Meditation technique to instantly become present and eliminate all stress

If I think I am the only person in the world and that this is the only moment then I suddenly and instantly become present. Meditation technique.

Day 9 - Meditation technique to instantly become present and eliminate all stress

Some days will be like this. I don't write too much.

But I will try my best to record. That is the most important.

So here is a scattered list of things I did.

Miscellaneous accomplishments

  • Uploading one long unedited videos to YouTube from the beach trip with Justin.
  • I just uploaded Day 8. Created the digital art for it too. Added bookmarks. Etc.
  • I responded to all comments on the Reddit thread that I posted on Day 8.
  • The Redditors recommended I look into Seth Godin for Marketing
For marketing and inspiration: Seth Godin
For stories about entrepreneurs and also inspiration: How I built this with Guy Raz
  • I sung a song in Chinese.
  • I taught my student English for two hours.
  • I went to the gym.
  • I went to a fancy model dinner and party.
  • I wrote another Reddit post.
I'm the only person in the world - new mental trick to become present?
by u/jacobpugmire in Meditation
  • I learned a new word: Solipsism.
Solipsism - Wikipedia

Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one's mind is sure to exist. I use it in meditation to center myself immediately. Focusing on the breath, at the moment, does not seem to work for me. Thinking I am the only person in the world or what is immediately around me are the only events transpiring, however, does seem to work for me.

Day 8 - Writing on Reddit to leave a digital footprint
Starting to leave a digital footprint so people may stumble across my website. I’ll leave college soon - I have everything I need to begin. It has all come together.
Day 10 - Elle run, taking photos with marathon finishers
Work, gym, party. Honestly, it is a pretty good day.