Day 8 - Writing on Reddit to leave a digital footprint

Starting to leave a digital footprint so people may stumble across my website. I'll leave college soon - I have everything I need to begin. It has all come together.

Day 8 - Writing on Reddit to leave a digital footprint

Making money by tutoring English

Taught my private student for two hours. I make 1500 an hour doing this, so I made 3000 today, which is around $92 USD.

Tomorrow he wants an extra class, so that is an additional 1500 NTD for me.

My plan to leave college and find a business mentor

My mind is made to leave college. I see the potential. The possibilities.

I am going to ask my friend for help getting a business connection in Taiwan.

I know if I can enter that community that I can do well.

I am in my economics class as I type this. It is interesting, but it doesn't help my immediate cause nor my grand aims. So due from its own lesson, opportunity cost, I ought to leave it.

I wrote a post on Reddit to increase the chance to meet people

I posted on Reddit, asking if others record their entrepreneurial journey, or if I am just wasting my time.

Do you record your entrepreneurial journey?
by u/jacobpugmire in Entrepreneur

I did this to learn what others think, to meet interesting people, and to start leaving a digital footprint. Perhaps if someone stumbles across my articles they may be interested in checking out my website.

What content people say I should make

A guy told me I should focus on self-improvement content.

An already famous girl, already 150k, told me how she struggled with the same thing, picking one particular topic, and so in the end she chose herself as the niche. She encouraged me to keep going. This is really motivating.

I think the website is coming together. It is looking nice.

I made all of my articles member only.

Been consistent so far. Made it where you can quickly click to the next or previous article by adding bookmarks.

Art style still cohesive. That orange digital vector style.

Things I learned

Parkinsons law - the work will fill the time alloted

Allow the feeling of being overwhelmed to exist and still spend an hour or two working on what you value.

Humans are finitely limited. The world's possibilities are effectively infinite.

Learned a new word "arbitrage", which means to buy goods in one place where it is cheap and sell it to another place where it is expensive and profit from it. Basically a word for what merchants do.

Question to ask yourself

What can I do now to give my future happiness?
What can I do today that my future self would come back and thank me for?
Day 7 - Riding ATVs at the beach with other models
I must stay consistent and publish everyday, even if I spend the whole day out having fun. I may have also found my business mentor.
Day 9 - Meditation technique to instantly become present and eliminate all stress
If I think I am the only person in the world and that this is the only moment then I suddenly and instantly become present. Meditation technique.