Day 30 - Regret for not sleeping early

Returning back to my bad habits. When I am in a low state (sick, tired, unwell) then this bad behavior always resurfaces. Have to get rid of it again.

Day 30 - Regret for not sleeping early

This is a bad habit of mine.

I really wanted to go to the club and see my friends, but out of a mind for health, I decided staying home and resting is best.

Yet I didn't sleep early!

I played on my phone until 4am. Using god forbidden apps like snapchat and watching reels and other garbage.

I always regret it the next morning, yet this kind of behavior seems to repeat itself. It happens when I am most tired and want to chill.

What happened this day

After coming home from the hot spring, I ate an unhealthy Taiwanese breakfast then slept from 10 to 3 or something like that. Then I taught English from 4-6, earned some money. Then I went to the park for a small workout.

In the evening I did nothing productive besides cleaning my room. Like I said, I played on my phone and watched Netflix until 4am and regretted it the next day.

I tried to record an audio journal but gave up.