Day 29 - Spending the night at the Wulai hot spring
Pick the thing that will give you lore, a story to tell your kids or friends or family. Live a more interesting life full of adventures.
I finally bought medicine for my sickness. It has been over 10 days and I have yet to recover. So I've capitulated and am now about to nuke the motherfucker.
I had a wonderful moment this morning, where I left the house to get coffee, then sat in the park without my phone thinking about life.
I thought about how controlling my time is very important to me. To be able to lay everything out smoothly.
I also realize how much I love meditation and philosophy and fitness and improving my social skills and creating something. This is what brings tremendous value to me - and while other classes such as those found in university bring value, they do not even come close in comparison in terms of raw value.
It's starting to rain now, and I am sitting outside with my laptop.
I am going to post my two audio journals now.