Day 26 - Shot my first YouTube livestream

I shot my first livestream. First big step! Livestreams suit my personality very well.

Day 26 - Shot my first YouTube livestream

The sickness is not gone. It's been 7 days now and today is as bad as the first. I slept 10 hours and the symptoms are different, but it is still there wrecking havoc in my body and on my life. Frustrating but not something I can control. (Mostly caused by my bad decisions such as knowingly drinking alcohol while I was sick.)

I did the thing where I leave my house in the morning with my laptop - to get away from my phone and allow myself some time to think clearly.

It's scary how frazzled our brains have become. There is an information overload - and most of this information is toxic garbage. How to protect one's mind then?

It really is the damn. Even just for the minutes I have been away from home, not being able to do anything but sit here and think, I already feel my mind clearing up.

This is so vital to note.

I wrote this article on Medium

It’s the d*mn phone
Our parents were right.

Writing comes first

I can write an article, then afterwards record a video and a podcast about that article.

I recorded my first Livestream

The video quality is terrible but I changed some settings so it should be a bit better next time.

I went to a casting

I was the only one that the lady made me wear a second outfit - so this means she either likes me or thinks I'm too fat for the first outfit. LOL

This casting is for a fashion walk - it would be cool to get. πŸ˜„

I worked out some

I have some aesthetic videos of it too, me working out in a black tank top. Perhaps I can use it for a reel or something.

In the evening I just watched anime and chilled

It has been over 7 days now and I am still not recovered. The reason is because I severely lack sleep. I just need to forget all my goals for a moment and relax. I laid there on the bed doing nothing for hours. Then I slept.

Day 25 - I love masculine culture so much
Masculine culture is one of the main reasons I want to keep living. It appeals to me so much.
Day 27 - My first audio journal
Starting an audio journal practice makes sure nothing falls through the gap. It allows to me live an examined life and contemplate on the events that transpired during the day.