Day 19 - Got my YouTube followers to 50, so I can start streaming

Don't be shy to ask people for help. This ability to ask is so important for your future.

Day 19 - Got my YouTube followers to 50, so I can start streaming

Posted new Instagram post, from the yacht trip yesterday.

I finished editing my first vlog. Uploaded it. Now just working on the thumbnail.

I personally dm'ed friends and family to follow my YouTube account. Trying to get the 50 followers so that I can start streaming.

I walked around outside and recorded me and Justin speaking.

I was at 14 followers this morning. Now at 41, yay.

Got my first comment on a video from some guy who followed me from reddit. Wow, so amazing.

I replied to comments on Reddit. And posted a new post.

Now at 48 followers.

I need to sleep now, I have work tomorrow at 7am.

Wake up at 5am.

Lesson learned - don't be afraid to ask. True friends will 100% be willing and excited to help you. Ask your friends, ask your family, ask people you don't know. You won't get the support if you don't ask.

Day 18 - Yacht trip to Guishan island
Trying to capture those interesting moments in my life on camera, then turn this into vlog content.
Day 20 - My first time shooting catalog
My first time shooting catalog. By the end you will become a professional poser.