Conquer the morning for better decision making later in the day

Conquering the morning will lead to a better state of mind throughout the day, thus leading to better decision making and therefore outcome of life.

The first hours of the day are vital because they set the tone for the whole day.

If you can manage to stay off your phone and go outside, do some healthy habits such as taking a walk, basking in the sun, meditating, cold shower, stretching or exercising, talking to people, reading a book or journaling, something along these lines, then the rest of the following day will also be good.

It's actually not the benefit of the habit that matters, but rather how this positive behavior will change your state of mind to be more orientated and encouraged.

We have to deliberately avoid the hopelessness and despair that is ever present in life.

In the first few hours of the day, if you can use this time to cultivate your state of mind and purpose, then all later decisions that day will come easier. It'll be easier to get off your phone, it'll be easier to stick to appointments, it'll be easier to avoid procrastination and start doing something, it'll be easier to workout, everything will come a degree easier and you need this, because your quote unquote willpower is finite and limited and constantly diminishing throughout the day, so you need every slight advantage that you can take.