Brainstorm video ideas + early YouTube strategy
Early YouTube strategy to get started and build up your skills!
Just use notes and write down all your video ideas. (Don't need a fancy note-taking application like Notion or anything else.)
Be an archaeologist not an architect - look at other people's videos in your niche and take inspiration from them.
Early YouTube strategy
- Make one video at a time(a struggle)
- Make a video every week
- Make 1 GOOD video every week
We have to 1) put in the reps to better at video creation, 2) get in the habit of being consistent.
Your first 50 videos are NOT for your audience. They are for you, to learn how to make good videos.
Don't have any expectations for growth. Quite frankly the videos in the beginning will suck.
You would not expect to read the writing of someone who's never written before. You would not expect to buy the painting of someone who's never painted before.
Same goes with videos.
"Talking head" videos are the easiest to do and are what we will be focusing on in the beginning. Talking to the camera.